Kategoriji kollha


Bike manjetika

Home Gym Exercise Equipment Lcd Monitor And Smooth Quiet Driven Magnetic Elliptical Bike112



  • Dettalji Quick
  • Ippakkjar & Kunsinna
  • Introduzzjoni dettaljata
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Dettalji Quick

Daqs tal-esibizzjoni (mm): 1460 * 710 * 1710

NW 49.3KGS

GW 55.8KGS

Monitor LCD

Quiet Driven

Disinn ergonomiku

Ippakkjar & Kunsinna



Introduzzjoni dettaljata

With the elliptical machine, you can train your upper and lower body simultaneously. This is great for strengthening different muscle groups and executing comprehensive workouts at home


This innovative workout machine simulates walking, running, and climbing stairs. It comes with a tension knob that allows you to turn the resistance up or down to customize your training according to your fitness needs


This elliptical bike has a LCD screen that lets you keep track of time elapsed, distance traveled, and calories burned while monitoring your progress by scanning through the display


Equipped with foam handles, this home gym machine lets you target different muscle groups and switch between leg and arm training. The oversized pedals allow you to train safely by accommodating all foot sizes

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